Applied Data Science Lab - Emerging data scientists

Take your skills to the next level

The Applied Data Science Lab for Economic Development provides an opportunity for emerging data scientists to work on real world industry projects in a paid, work integrated learning environment. 

Teams of aspiring data scientists will work with an Alberta organization to develop a data prototype. You will be provided with the training, tools, digital infrastructure, and mentorship needed to upgrade and apply your data science capabilities.

During this program, teams will work in one of two streams:

Breadth Program

Work on multiple industry projects over short sprints to help with the “discovery” to “experiment” transition of their data science evolution including data wrangling, exploratory data analysis and development of proof-of-concept data products.

Depth Program

Work on a deeper dive industry project, focusing on the “discovery” through to “implement” stages of their data science evolution pathway through the iterative development of prototype data products

Following completion of this program, the emerging data scientists will have the experience and connections to enter the workforce.

Both programs will operate over a four to six months period.

Photo taken during the in-person 2019 Data Science for Albertans Fellowship

Eligibility to participate in the Applied Data Science Lab:

  • Open to students (undergraduate or graduate), post-doctoral fellows, or professionals who have recently up-skilled or re-skilled to enter the data science industry.
  • Applicants must have strong foundational skills in data science, math and statistics, or computer programming.
  • Applicants must be available full-time for the period of the program (ranging from two to six months).

Based on previous program offerings, only a limited number of emerging data scientists will be able to participate in the program. Participating emerging data scientists will be selected based on a competitive process, with those not selected being offered opportunities to apply to future program cohorts, and skills assessment and networking opportunities.

With Funding Support by

Technical Support provided by

Want to find out more? Contact our Data Science team!