Cybera’s input on changing Alberta’s privacy rules to include AI considerations

By Imran Mohiuddin | July 3, 2024

How should Alberta address the impact of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence on individual privacy rights? That question was at the heart of a recent consultation undertaken by the Alberta Legislature as it looked to modernize the province’s Personal Information and Privacy Act (PIPA). The goal of this statutory review of Alberta’s privacy regime was […]

National procurement project recognized by the Canadian Association of University Business Officers

By Zach Morrison | June 26, 2024

Cybera’s collaboration skills were recently commended on a national stage by the Canadian Association of University Business Officers (CAUBO). At its 2024 Quality and Productivity Awards, CAUBO organizers honoured a cross-Canada group of collaborators — including Cybera — for its role in pioneering an innovative and highly effective procurement method centered on interorganizational knowledge sharing. […]

ShareIT 2023-24 Year in review

By Admin | May 22, 2024

As we look back at the 2023/24 fiscal year, it’s time to pop the virtual champagne (or share a virtual high-five) because boy, oh boy, what a year it’s been. Over the past fiscal year, ShareIT has seen its highest ever utilization—with just over $32M in spending and an estimated savings by members of $13.9M. […]

Cybera launches call for a municipalities representative to join its Board of Directors

By Admin | May 6, 2024

Cybera is seeking applications for a community-minded volunteer to join its Board of Directors. This position will help guide Alberta’s research and education network organization as it works to connect Albertans to the world, and enable and advocate for better shared services and improved cybersecurity through the use of digital technology. Cybera is globally recognized […]

Public preview of SkillUp to continue through 2024

By Meagan Hampel | April 30, 2024

Cybera is thrilled to announce that its SkillUp web platform — which helps Albertans match their skills and experience with the most sought-after jobs, and find opportunities to learn in-demand skills — will remain publicly available for the entirety of 2024. Thanks to funding support from the Ministry of Jobs, Economy and Trade, SkillUp will […]

A fond farewell and securing the future: Callysto transitions to a new phase

By Meagan Hampel | March 28, 2024

Cybera and the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS), the creators of the online digital skills learning platform, Callysto, today announce that they are winding down their involvement in the project. Callysto will continue to operate as an open source tool, and its 125+ learning resources will remain available to teachers and students across Canada. […]


Please note all times provided in Mountain Time (MT).

The Cyber Summit is a gathering of Western Canada's public, education and start-up technology leaders. The conference features workshops and discussions around the latest digital issues and solutions, and how they impact Canadians.

The Alberta Rural Connectivity Forum is an annual gathering of community and government representatives to have a solutions-based conversation surrounding the province’s “digital divide".

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