Cybera is hiring, and other service updates
To keep our operations moving smoothly, Cybera is looking to hire experienced technical / project management staff (see below for more details).
Also in this issue: upcoming deadlines for data science consultations and cybersecurity training, a new special interest group offering for the wider post-secondary sector, and details on the ShareIT IT Services Pre-qualification Roster.

Cybera is hiring
We’re looking for smart, organized folks who are passionate about supporting the public and education sectors to join our team! The roles Cybera is currently looking to fill are: 1) Network administrator, 2) Technology project manager, and 3) Security Operations Centre manager. If you or anyone you know is interested, please get in touch!

Security training: registrations needed by March 27
UPDATE: Please note this event is now on-hold with more information forthcoming.
Cybera has secured discounted cybersecurity training for higher education, K-12, government, and local law enforcement staff, but we need at least 45 people to register by Monday! SEC401 Security Essentials: Network, Endpoint, and Cloud was identified as a high priority learning opportunity for our community, and we would hate to see this 60% discount go to waste. To access the discount codes, contact us at

Data science lab applications close March 31
Applications for the Applied Data Science Lab spring cohort for companies have been extended to March 31. With the help of our data science experts, teams of interns will work with individual industry partners to: 1) Validate their business ideas, and 2) Help build a better understanding of the full lifecycle of a data science project.
In other news
Expanding the CUCCIO community
Cybera has partnered with the Canadian University Council of Chief Information Officers (CUCCIO) to expand participation in its long-running Special Interest Groups (SIG) program. This eight-month pilot will enable IT professionals at Alberta colleges and polytechnics to join the CUCCIO SIGs.
Contact to learn more and get involved.
ShareIT updates IT Services Roster
The Alberta ShareIT Program will soon be launching an IT Services Pre-qualification Roster, covering five areas of IT services: Cybersecurity, Development and Operations, Project Management, Infrastructure, and Network. An onboarding session will be held April 18.
Two more Alberta institutions join eduroam
This past year, two Alberta post-secondary institutions — NorQuest College and Red Deer Polytechnic — joined the global league of campuses offering eduroam connectivity to staff and students.
CRTC shifts to championing internet competition
In a move welcomed by Cybera, the CRTC has announced it would immediately lower wholesale internet rates by 10%. This will improve competition among internet providers by making it easier for smaller companies to lease bandwidth from the bigger ones.
Upcoming events

April 5: Data Science – What it is and how to apply it to your business
ATB Entrepreneur Centre, Calgary, AB
Data, we all have it, but how can it help your business succeed? Join Cybera to learn how to incorporate data science into your business.

April 18: IT Services Roster Onboarding Session
Join ShareIT as it covers the scope of the IT Services Pre-qualification Roster, including the vendors pre-qualified in each of the five categories, and how to utilize the roster.

May 1-6: SEC401 Security Essentials: Network, Endpoint, and Cloud
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB / Online
UPDATE: Please note this event is now on-hold with more information forthcoming.
The SEC401 training from SANS will provide the essential information, security skills, and techniques you need to protect and secure your critical information and technology assets, whether on-premise or in the cloud.

May 24-25: Alberta Rural Connectivity Forum 2023
Olds College of Agriculture & Technology, Olds, AB
UPDATE: Please note this event has been postponed.
The goal of this two-day event is to discuss policy, regulatory, and technical barriers that exist to broadband deployment — and how to bridge them.
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